Primary Prevention Program

Primary Prevention Program

It’s truly said that:

A Clever person solves a Problem, whereas a wise person avoids it
- Albert Einstein

Heart disease is the most Preventable cause of Death worldwide. But unfortunately due to lack of awareness, poor Dietary habits & Sedentary Life-style, the Incidence of Heart disease has reached such devastating levels worldwide. Our aim is to control Heart Disease before it creates serious consequences to the patient.

This program is for any person who is diagnosed with High Blood Pressure, Diabetes, High Cholesterol levels, leads a stressful lifestyle, has a strong family history of Heart Disease and thinks he is at high risk for getting Heart Disease & wants to improve his/her Heart Health.

In this program we calculate the ,10 year risk of Heart Attack or Stroke depending upon Patient’s Age, Gender, Family History, Blood Pressure, Blood Sugar, Cholesterol & Triglyceride levels, Smoking Habits, Height: Weight ratio, Kidney function and history of Arrhythmias. Depending upon the risk factors and the results of 10 year risk we plan our interventions to modify patient’s risk of cardiovascular disease.

For patients who have a strong Family History of Heart Disease and think they can be at a very high risk of Heart attack we might prescribe you with Non-invasive test called CT Coronary Angiography and Coronary Calcium Score that might help us to know the Blockage in your Arteries and plan further Interventions in advance.

Primary Prevention Program is a 1 month program in which the patient will get 24 - ECG monitored Exercise sessions (as described in Cardiac Rehabilitation), Regular consultation with Cardiac Dietitian to improve the Cholesterol, Blood Pressure and Sugar levels, counselling to quit Smoking (for smokers), Guidance to manage stress in everyday life and any other Medical support that patient might require during the program.