Heart Failure Program

Heart Failure Program

The term “Heart failure” makes it sound like the heart is no longer working at all and there’s nothing that can be done but actually, heart failure means that Heart’s ability to pump the blood to the rest of the body is reduced. Heart failure is a chronic, progressive condition in which the heart muscle is unable to pump enough blood to meet the body’s needs for blood and oxygen. Basically, the heart can’t keep up with its workload.

Heart failure is usually a permanent condition that cannot be reversed because some part of the muscle has become weak or damages.

Many people suffer from heart failure and angina, making simple activities challenging. Usually, Heart Failure patients have to be repeatedly admitted to a hospital or Emergency rooms because their condition worsens progressively. Patients think that there is no cure for them and start feeling depressed due to their condition.

However,patients with Heart Failure can lead a full, enjoyable life with EECP and healthy lifestyle changes.

A. EECP in Heart Failure:

The only invasive treatments options available for Heart Failure patients are Cardiac Resynchronization therapy, Left Ventricular Assistive Device and Heart Transplant. All these surgeries are end-treatments and are major and critical surgeries. Also the cost of these surgeries are quite high for every patient to afford it.

Studies have shown that for Heart failure patients, taking 35 sessions of EECP treatment, there is a 78% reduction in the chances of admission to a Hospital or an ICU unit, 83% less chances of death for the next two years and a definite improvement in the quality of life of Heart failure patients.

EECP treatment has been clearly proven to benefit the Heart Patients by improving Myocardial Perfusion (Blood Supply to the Heart), Ejection Fraction and Cardiac Output (Amount of Blood that Heart pumps to the rest of the body).

EECP will produce following positive effects in patients with Heart Failure:

  • Relief from angina and dyspnea (Chest Pain & Breathlessness)
  • Improved ability to tolerate physical exercise (Walking, stair climbing etc.)
  • Possible increase in Heart’s Pumping Capacity (EF)
  • Reduced need for medications.

B. Cardiac Rehabilitation in Heart Failure:

Cardiac rehabilitation can be a life-changing step in the journey to recovery from heart failure – playing a critical role in improving quality and length of life.The goal of the Cardiac Rehab is to stabilize, slow or even reverse the progression of heart failure and to reduce the risk of heart disease, another Heart attack andeven death.

Cardiac rehab program for Heart Failure usually includes the following:

  • A Medical evaluation to determine your needs and limitations
  • ECG monitored exercise sessions tailored as per Individual’s tolerance.
  • Counseling and Education to help patients understand their condition (Heart Failure) and how to manage it.
  • Support and training to help patients return to work or normal activities.
  • Counseling on modifying risk factors through diet and nutrition.
  • Counseling on the use of prescribed medications.


Members of your Cardiac rehab team:

  • A Preventive Cardiologist to assess your Physiological parameters and manage your risk factors
  • Clinical nurse specialists or nurse practitioners (who are experts in Cardiac Rehab and Heart failure)
  • Cardiac Dietitians to offer heart-healthy eating tips and evidence based meal-planning advice.
  • Mental health professionalsto counsel you and your family members on emotional aspects of managing heart failure.
  • You and your loved ones, because each step you take is an investment in your healthiest life.


Benefits of Cardiac Rehabilitation to a Heart Failure Patient:

  • Reduction in the chances of death from Cardiovascular and metabolic causes.
  • Relief from Angina and Dyspnea.
  • Better adherence to Heart Failure Medications and better control of the Risk factors.
  • Every day monitoring of Physiological parameters (ECG, Spo2 and Blood Pressure) keeps the doctor continuously updated about patient’s condition.
  • Improved psychological well-being and quality of life.
  • Improved Ability to return to work- ‘Life becomes Normal’.